
Business Analytics: A Statistician's Perspective


                Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
                             The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Date: Monday, 4:30pm – 5:30pm, December 7, 2015

Title: Business Analytics: A Statistician's Perspective



Haipeng Shen, Professor of Innovation and Information Management, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong



Big data are becoming increasingly common in our modern digital business world. More and more data are being collected with ever-increasing volume, dimensionality, and complexity. We are blessed with the data tsunami - analytical techniques can be called upon to ``mine'' important features from the data, i.e. finding the needles. At the same time, high‐dimensionality and complexity can be a curse - the needles are often hidden in one (or multiple) haystack, where classical methods may fail to work for big data. This presentation uses real examples (call center workforce management, yield curve forecasting, and healthcare), to provide a statistician's perspective on how innovative data‐analytical techniques can assist business decision making by asking the right questions, having the right data, and collaborating with the right people.



Haipeng Shen received his PhD in Statistics from The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania in 2003. He is Fellow of the American Statistical Association and Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. Prior to joining HKU this year, he was a tenured full professor of Statistics and Operations Research, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research evolves around the theme of data-driven decision making in the face of uncertainty, including fundamental statistical research about challenges imposed by big data (high dimensionality and complex structure), as well as interdisciplinary analytical research in business analytics, neuroimaging, bioinformatics, and network traffic modeling. His work has been supported by US NSF Statistics, NSF Service Enterprise Systems, NIH, and The Xerox Foundation. He has published research articles in top journals in both Statistics (JASA and AOAS) and Operations Management (MSOM). He currently serves on the editorial board of JASA, AOAS, MS, and Technometrics. He has collaborated with industry partners such as Allcatel-Lucent, Bank of America, and Xerox.


Everyone is welcome to attend the talk!

Venue: Room 513,
      William M.W. Mong Engineering Building (ERB),
      (Engineering Building Complex Phase 2)
      The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The talk will be hosted by:
Prof. Nan Chen,
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,

SEEM-5201 Website:

Monday, December 7, 2015 - 08:30 to 09:30